Jonathan Noon had an aptitude for drawing representationally since a child. With no
clear direction he never pursued the craft even as a hobby into adolescence and adulthood.
However, the pull to create always tugged on him, so when the Covid 19 pandemic caused
business plans to be put on hold he finally had the space to learn how to oil paint. Several
months later he and his wife moved to Boston to receive rigorous training in the French atelier
method at Boston’s Academy of Realist Art.
Jonathan is now centrally focused on figurative realism particularly of the American Southwest.
It is these landscapes, this period of American history which tell the stories he feels are most
emblematic of who we are and from where we came. It is also the southwest region of the
United States he grew up and matured as an artist.
Jonathan currently resides in Scottsdale, Arizona with his wife and one year old son.