Clayton Stewart


Clayton Stewart is a Nevada born artist who focuses primarily on wildlife and fly-fishing art. His passion for the outdoors stems from his childhood and upbringing. His father instilled in him a love for the outdoors and hunting Nevada’s mountains and deserts. His grandfather and uncle showed him the ways of fly fishing and fly tying.

Commonly reoccurring themes in Stewart’s artwork depict fly fishermen, trout, and the magical, often seemingly untouched environments that they inhabit. These creatures often lead fishermen to explore places that they would never explore for any other reason. And most of these places solidify a special place in the hearts of those who experience them. Trout themselves are each vastly unique and captivating. So are the environments that they call home.

Other common subjects in his artwork portray game animals of the West. From fish to elk, the way Stewart sees the world was largely shaped in the pursuit of these animals. Most hunters understand this paradox of trying to explain their pure love and respect of these magnificent creatures, while also actively spending their lives hunting them. It is a relationship and bond that cannot be easily explained without partaking in the age-old tradition. Through his artwork, Stewart has not only attempted to bring honor to these majestic animals. He has also donated artwork and proceeds to foundations that help preserve their populations for generations to come.

Artwork to be Showcased