Growing up in a rural area west of Denver, Trish Stevenson was either riding horses or drawing them and even then, considered herself an artist. Now, during the twenty-plus years she has called Montana home, she has been inspired to paint the people, animals and action of the West, focusing on capturing their spirit and attitude in her oil or pastel paintings.
She credits her grandfather for the Western flavor of her work, as he was a memorable character; a tall-tale telling, former bronc rider in his heyday, who took the kids to hot, dusty rodeos and brandings. Those memories left a strong impression on Trish and still influence what she paints today.
Two years after graduating from high school, Trish was exploring the art galleries of Sausalito, California and was moved to a decision to apply for art school. She entered the Colorado Institute of Art, intent on a career in graphic design. A two-month study trip to Europe was offered, which she was able to take advantage of, soaking up everything the museums had to offer and spending a month taking classes in Florence, Italy. Her eyes were opened to the possibilities of fine art, which has become a lifelong passion. Trish’s artwork has been featured in Art of the West, Western Horseman Magazine and Art Horse Magazine’s International Equine Art Competition. She has participated in many national and regional exhibits and her work has toured several museums as part of the Ken Ratner Western Art Collection. Trish currently has work in the 2023 Cowgirl Up! exhibit at the Desert Caballeros Museum in Wickenburg, AZ.
“My goal as an artist is to create paintings that reflect my interpretation of the spirit and attitude of the West. Rodeo is often my vehicle, representing to me all the qualities of the West – determination, struggle, action and triumph over great odds. It also affords me the opportunity to paint with a lot of expression, often foregoing detail in favor of action and gesture. I also feel a deep connection to horses that inspires and drives most of my paintings. As I paint, I am often awaiting a moment when the painting takes on a creative life of its own – guiding my hand down a pathway I might never have imagined on my own – and that is truly the joy of creating for me.”