Jenny Robinson


Jenny Robinson can best be described as a painter of the modern West, her subjects reflecting her love of horses, animals, ranching, and the grandeur of the Rocky Mountain region. Her oil paintings vibrate with “dazzling, fractured colors, crystalline brush strokes and juicy impasto”. Jenny currently resides in Brush, Colorado where she feels blessed to be surrounded by rich inspiration for her artwork.

Jenny Robinson has studied under such accomplished artists John Fawcett, George Coll, and Jill Soukup. Over recent years, her work has been accepted into many national juried western art shows such as the Mountain Oyster Club Art Show and Sale in Tucson AZ, the Western Spirit Art Show in Cheyenne, WY, the Bosque Art Classic in Clifton TX, the Breckenridge Texas Annual Juried Art Show, the Greeley National Art Exhibition, the Greeley Stampede Western Art Show, and many more.

Artwork to be Showcased